

Five and Ten Percent Savings Sought from Each Council Department Confirmed by Chief Executive

On Thursday evening I attended the quarterly meeting of the Local Community Planning Partnership (LCPP) for The Ferry. 

The Chief Executive of the Council, David Dorward, attended and gave an overview about Council's priorities and plans. He also emphasised the challenge of continuing to provide quality services whist also finding significant reductions in budgets. This was in the context of reductions in the grant from the Scottish Government and the Council Tax freeze amounting to a £18 million black hole. To meet this £18 million shortfall by the end of March 2015, he revealed that each council department had been asked to identify potential savings of 5% and 10%. 

I have calculated from figures provided in this year's budget that this would amount in Education to about £6.5 for a 5% saving and £13 million for a 10% saving. But the funding gap is really bigger in Education as SNP Councillors are committed to increasing nursery hours at an annual cost of £1.6  million. Potentially therefore savings in existing services in our schools will be cuts by up to £15 million spread over the next couple of years. 

This confirms the concerns that I have previously voiced about the impossible challenge of maintaining excellence in our schools while seeking even more significant cuts in budgets.