

Broughty Ferry Interest in Water Taxi Link to VandA

Interest in establishing a Tay link between the VandA and Broughty Ferry was raised at the 2011 AGM of Broughty Ferry Development Trust. So the potential water taxi link between Perth and the VandA in Dundee is not the only such proposal that should be considered. 
Roddy Isles from the VandA - Making It Happen Project Team was the external speaker at the Development Trust's AGM back in September. He stimulated a discussion with the thirty odd members present about the potential opportunities and benefits for Broughty Ferry from the VandA development. It was from this discussion that a number of propositions arose. 
I think the idea for river trips to and from the Broughty pilot pier and linking this with the VandA at its waterfront site was the most sparky idea to arise and definitely worth exploring. Several folk present mentioned their enjoyment from the summer season river cruises that had been run by a variety of operators over the years. The Taymara Trust currently run passenger carrying trips from the Broughty Ferry to Perth including their dolphin watching trips. I have contacted the Taymara Trust to see whether they are interested, and have the capacity, to develop such a service.
It's important that Broughty Ferry makes its case for developments that will mean that our local businesses and residents share in the benefits of having an international tourist attraction just a few miles away in Dundee. In my opinion, what better additional way to get folk to and from the centre of Broughty Ferry than to develop a river taxi along the Tay?