

School Placing Request Appeals Toolkit - A Free Resource for Parents and Carers in Dundee

School Placing Request Appeals Toolkit (Mainstream Schools)
In April 2014, The Education Law Unit at Govan Law Centre published a 'Placing Request Appeal Toolkit' as a free self-help guide for parents, carers and young people in Scotland who are not happy with a decision from their local council in relation to a school placing request. 

The GLC self-help toolkit provides a step-by-step guide on how to challenge a council's decision, how to make an appeal to a local authority Education Appeal Committee, how the procedure operates, and explains the different types of arguments, providing an illustrative appeal letter, and where to go for additional legal help. 

Please note GLC does not have the resources to undertake mainstream placing request appeals, as its Educational Law Unit is focused on cases involving children and young people with additional support needs. 

The guide was written by GLC's education law solicitors Iain Nisbet and Sarah-Jane Kissock. 

'Placing Request Appeal Toolkit' 
Click on this link to read the toolkit or print out a copy - 12 pages.

This posting draws significantly on a briefing from Govan Law Centre dated 24 April 2014