

Commenting on Growing Population Pressures on School Places in Dundee

Percentage change in population in Dundee City and Scotland, 2012-2037 (2012-based projections)
Click on graph to enlarge
The latest projection for population growth in Dundee over the next 25 years is good news for the economy of the city. It does however have a potential downside beacuse it will significantly increase pressure on school places. These government figures for Dundee published by the Council show a projected 20% + increase in the 0-15 population of the city by 2037.

The last report to the Education Committee about the demand for places and the capacity of  individual schools, has already identified that there are primary and secondary schools where demand either exceeds or is close to the places available in these schools. Craigowl Primary School in the Startmartine area is bursting at the seams and Barnhill, Eastern and Forthill Primary Schools and Grove Acdemy in The Ferry along with Morgan Academy in the Maryfield area are all working close to capacity.

In the light of new information about more sustained growth in the population of school and nursery age children, it's important that the Education Committee receive an update about how the City will respond to this long term challenge. We must avoid overcrowded schools or children not able to access their local primary and secondary schools.

Link to Population Projections for Dundee