

Well Qualified and Growing Population Positive Indicators for Dundee in Agenda for Cities Report

While the Cities Outlook Report 2012, makes it clear that Dundee is really suffering in the current economic recession, there are two positive statistics in the report which shouldn't be lost:
the qualifications of the population and recent population growth.

One prominent and favourable statistic for Dundee in the Agenda for Cities Report is that our city is amongst the top ten cities in the UK for educational qualifications.

Over one-third of the adult population has a university degree, higher degree, diploma or its equivalent.

This shows the very high skills base that Dundee possesses to attract potential businesses and to drive the city’s future economic growth.

Another promising feature recorded in the report has been the turn-around in the city’s population. Over the past two years the city has achieved an encouraging increase in population of over 2,000.

Our well qualified population and our increase in population are both positive indicators which should help the city make the best of the economic recovery when it comes.