

Taxi Drivers Soon to Accredit their Competences

At a special meeting of the Licensing Committee on Tuesday afternoon, we considered proposals for the introduction of a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 2 for Taxi Drivers in the City. 
A deputation from Unite the Union over viewed the framework for this vocational qualification which included a list of key competences in taxi driving. This would encompass observed taxi driving and emergency first aid. Unite also clarified that they would sponsor their own Taxi Driving members through the programme. 
We were also told by other deputations that some experienced drivers were apparently wary about the cost of undertaking such a programme in terms of the registration fees payable and the length of time when they were off the road undertaking the NVQ and therefore not earning.
Drawing on my experience of vocational qualifications, I was able to point out that experienced drivers should find that their progress through the NVQ would be accelerated as they would predominantly need to evidence their existing taxi driving competences.
The Committee unanimously agreed to recommend that the Council proceeds towards more detailed planning for the introduction of the NVQ level 2 Taxi Driving. This would hopefully involve a number of providers in the City as well as Unite. I think this vocational qualification is an ambitious but necessary step in helping to make Taxi Driving in our city more professional.