

Future Organisiation of Policing in Scotland - Response from Tayside Joint Police Board

At the continued meeting of the Tayside Police Board on Monday, the SNP group of Councillors had promised to flesh out their arguments for opting for four police boards instead of the current eight. This was an integral part of their proposed response  to the Scottish Government's 'A Consultation on The Future Organisation of Policing in Scotland'

Unfortunately, their sketchy proposal attracted most votes. As a consequence the board's response to the Scottish Government will feature a viewpoint that is neither fish nor fowl. This is because a reduction of eight forces to four police forces in Scotland will neither produce the back office savings required to save front line policing nor will its stretched geographical boundaries be capable of keeping the police close to communities and elected members. It was also unfortunate that these Councillors were so lacking in argument and evidence in putting forward their motion. Perhaps this was why they wanted the press and public excluded from the meeting.

Constituents in Dundee should be reassured that the Dundee Labour Councillors on the Joint Police Board will be vigilant in the months ahead when the next Scottish Government legislates for the reorganization of policing in Scotland. We will continue to advocate for a single police force in Scotland in the belief that this will deliver administrative and management savings which will ensure that current levels of front line policing can be left unscathed despite cuts in policing budgets. Furthermore, we believe that local accountability can enhanced by the development of local authority wide so called 'blue light' committees to cover police and fire services.