

Notorious Section of Ferry Pavement to be Renewed

Brook Street Pavements
I am pleased to report that another notorious section of rutted and cracked pavement on Brook Street is to be upgraded in early February. This is the section that runs on the south side of Brook Street between Gray Street and the Bruach Bar and Restaurant.

Work to upgrade this stretch of pavement is programmed to commence on Monday 3rd February 2014, and will last for approximately 2 weeks. The Contractor for the works is Tayside Contracts.

I complained to the Council about the 'crazy paving' on the stretch of footway outside the Grain Store and Hosie's Electrical shop in Autumn 2012 and suggested that it was an accident waiting to happen.

In Septmber 2013, I responded to the planned pavement upgrading in Gray Street by commenting that this was 100 yards better but that there was miles to go upgrading cracked and uneven pavements in The Ferry.

While this next phase of pavement reconstruction work is undertaken, the following temporary traffic restrictions will apply:

  • In the interest of public safety, a lane closure will be implemented and westbound traffic will be diverted via St Vincent Street, King Street and Gray Street for the duration of the works. 
  • The works will be carried out in sections, so that at least one area will be kept available for taxi parking adjacent to the works. Parking will still be allowed on the north side of Brook Street. 
  • Access to car parks within this area will be maintained, and vehicular, delivery access will be maintained to properties, although we ask for vehicular traffic movements to be kept to a minimum where possible.
  • Some minor delays may be encountered during some phases of the works.

If you have any queries regarding the traffic restrictions, please contact Mr L Grubb, Senior Engineer, Roads Maintenance Partnership, by telephoning 01382 434000.