

Martin Goodfellow Leads Campaign for Protected Status for Dundee Cake

Martin Goodfellow holding a Dundee cake beside the statue of Desperate Dan in Dundee City Centre
Martin Goodfellow of Goodfellow and Steven's Bakery in Broughy Ferry has joined forces with other leading bakers in the city to secure official Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status from the European Commission for Dundee Cake. 

If Martin and his colleagues are successful, they could follow the example of the Arbroath Smokie in gaining the right to special protection from the European Commission. This would prevent Dundee cake being produced anywhere else in Europe and still calling itself Dundee Cake.

I congratulate Martin and his colleagues for their initiative and enterprise not only protecting the integrity of Dundee Cake but also drawing attention to what is distinctive and worth celebrating about Dundee; 'One City Many Discoveries'.