Flooding at the southern end on Cedar Road returned after the rainfall on Monday 23 December.
As you can see the flooding is quite extensive lapping over the footways and right across the road extending to a length of 30 metres.
In addition to the hazard the flood creates, especially for pedestrians, the murky water contains an unhealthy mixture of sewage and rainwater. When the water level eventually subsides, there is a disgusting residue of sewage. I have received complaints on behalf of the owners of properties on both sides of this section of Cedar Road. These include penetrating damp into the stonework of a house built into the boundary wall, water damage to a driveway and sewage residues deposited on garden ground.
While Scottish Water organise a clean up of the mess when notified, they have no current plans to increase the capacity of the drainage system to cope with heavy downpours. They lamely say that their current investment plans rigidly focus on other priorities set by Ministers in the Scottish Government. I think it's time that Shona Robison, our MSP for Dundee City East and a Minister in the Scottish Government, used her influence to get these investment plans modified. There must be many other locations in other parts of the city and elsewhere which have similar problems that need a long term fix.
Acknowledgment that the photograph above was taken by David Hewick, a Broughty Ferry Community Councillor.
Wishing all my Constituents a Very Happy Christmas
I very much hope that the Christmas Day will be a happy time for all my constituents with a chance to spend time with friends and family.
Those of us enjoying our Christmas Day festivities are of course reliant on folk continuing to work in essential services, including the NHS, the Ambulance Service, the Police and the Fire Service. I thank all those staff for the work they do day in day out but especially on public holidays like today.
Wishing all my constituents a very happy Christmas.
Those of us enjoying our Christmas Day festivities are of course reliant on folk continuing to work in essential services, including the NHS, the Ambulance Service, the Police and the Fire Service. I thank all those staff for the work they do day in day out but especially on public holidays like today.
Wishing all my constituents a very happy Christmas.
Welcome from Residents in Falkland Crescent for Driveway Improvements and Adoption

Resident, Bob Wilson, who first took up this issue, said:"I am very pleased that my driveway has been brought up to standard by Bett Homes so that it can now be adopted by the Council. I want to thank Senior Highways Engineer, Mike Giblin; Councillor Laurie Bidwell and of course Bett Homes for working together to sort out this issue for me and the other residents who were in the same predicament. I am delighted with my upgraded driveway.'
I am pleased to have been able to support Bob Wilson's efforts to have this issue resolved. Bett Homes deserve recognition for their extraordinary customer service in remedying an issue from so many years ago. But the real thanks should go to Bob for taking up this issue in the first place, sticking with it over a number of years and recognising that the legal discrepancy that affected him and his driveway applied to his neighbours in the same street.
Panmurefield Carol Service Attracts a Good Gathering
Last night more than a hundred folk gathered outside Panmurefield Village Church for a service of Carols and Bible readings led by the Rev Brian Talbot.
Carol singing from choirs from two of our Ferry Primary Schools was enthusiastically applauded. This was especially evident for the children of Barnhill Primary School whose backing music failed and who then restarted singing with improvised accompaniment from one of the church's musicians. As well as community singing of carols and three bible readings, Rev Brian Talbot also delivered a short homily about the parallels between the social and political unheavals at the time of the birth of Jesus and just now and the meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ. After the service mince pies and tea were served outside. This was a most worthwhile community event.
Hedge in Claypotts Road Being Misused as a Rubbish Bin
On Saturday lunchtime I was walking home having purchased a paper from the Coop in Claypotts Road. This stretch of private garden ground seems to be used as an unofficial rubbish bin.
I am sure the residents in Deepdale Place could do without this at the bottom of their garden. For those of us that walk along the street it's an unsightly mess.
Cleaning up litter throughout Scotland costs close to £100 million every year. In Dundee that works out at £3-4 million per year. It's money I think most folk would prefer the Council to spend on schools and care for the elderly.
I have written to the helpful folk in the Environment Department to ask them to clean up this area and also requested more patrols to catch and to impose on the spot fines for those that are littering in this street. I have also written to Graham Hutton, the Head Teacher of Grove Academy, to ask that he reminds his pupils to deposit their litter in the bins provided or to take it home.
I am sure the residents in Deepdale Place could do without this at the bottom of their garden. For those of us that walk along the street it's an unsightly mess.
Cleaning up litter throughout Scotland costs close to £100 million every year. In Dundee that works out at £3-4 million per year. It's money I think most folk would prefer the Council to spend on schools and care for the elderly.
I have written to the helpful folk in the Environment Department to ask them to clean up this area and also requested more patrols to catch and to impose on the spot fines for those that are littering in this street. I have also written to Graham Hutton, the Head Teacher of Grove Academy, to ask that he reminds his pupils to deposit their litter in the bins provided or to take it home.
Commenting on Dundee Schools Having the Highest Absence Rate in Scotland
Official statistics published last week by the Scottish Government include figures for the attendance and absence of school pupils.
In 2012/13 the percentage attendance in Scottish local authority schools ranged from the highest 95.5 per cent (East Renfrewshire) to the lowest 92.3 per cent (Dundee City). This means Dundee has the highest pupil absence rate in Scotland in the last complete school year. A 3.2% difference may not seem much but translated into days missed over a year it stacks up. In fact it means that on average, every pupil in Dundee misses more than one week more than pupils in East Renfrewshire. No wonder the exam results are better in East Renfrewshire.
Looking more closely at the figures for Dundee, it means that on average each pupil in Dundee misses fifteen days or three weeks of schooling a year. This adds up to almost one year of schooling lost by every pupil during their 5-16 compulsory school years.
It is very disappointing that Dundee Schools are at the bottom of the national league table for their absence rate. Any day of absence from school is a day of missed learning opportunities. If we want to increase the attainment of our pupils, we need to reduce the number of days at school that are lost through absence for reasons that are avoidable.
Right now we need some explanation of what is going wrong and why the absence rate has been increasing in Dundee but decreasing elsewhere.
I have written to the Council's Committee Clerk to ask that this issue is discussed at the next meeting of the Education Committee. This can't be allowed to be brushed under the carpet. The Education Directorate need to explain how they intend to bring down the number of lost days of learning in our schools.
Panmurefield Torchlit Community Carol Service Lawers Drive Tuesday 17 December 2013
The dramatic Panmurefield Torchlit Community Carol Service will be held on Tuesday 17 December at the grass/car park outside Panmurefield Church in Lawers Drive beginning at 6.00pm
Was Bob Servant correct? Should dogs be banned from Dawson Park?
On Saturday I received this letter in an email from a constituent. He is part of the Ferry Athletic Youth Football Club whose young players play regularly on the pitches at Dawson Park. The letter is self explanatory.
In response the same day, I contacted the Animal Control Team to ask them to police this area much more rigorously. I have also asked the Environment Department to clean up this area. I am also appealing to all dog owners to be responsible and pick up their dog's excrement by using the free bags available from the Library and depositing these in the dog bins available in this park.
Dear Sir,
Was Bob Servant correct?
Should all dogs be banned from Dawson Park?
I agree, this is an unreasonable suggestion. However something has to be done.
As one involved in youth and adult sports groups that use Dawson Park on a regular basis I am absolutely disgusted at the amount of dog excrement left by irresponsible dog owners.
Today one of our coaches collected 9 bags of this vile excrement from the area towards the east of the park near the cricket pitch. We regularly remind our coaches and players to collect any rubbish at the end of training sessions and games. A plastic juice bottle left behind might not degrade through time and look unsightly. But it doesn’t carry dangerous toxins or leave your shoes, car mat, carpet or child’s clothing smelling vile. With all the publicity recently with the Commonwealth Games coming to Glasgow and the promotion of activities to keep children active this situation is simply unacceptable. They would be safer at home playing on a games console!
We pay a substantial amount of money to Dundee City Council each year to use these facilities and every week without fail we have to spend time collecting dog mess. If any driver on Arbroath Road passing by notices marker cones in random positions around the park, they are the ones covering up dog waste.
There are several dog waste bins at each entrance to the park and I thank responsible dog owners for cleaning up their animal’s mess. Of course it is the minority of irresponsible owners who are giving all dog walkers a bad name.
I look forward to Dundee City Council proposing a solution to this unhygienic and unsightly mess.
Finbarr McCarthy
Ferry Athletic Youth Football Club
Broughty Lifeboat Carol Concert St James Parish Church Monday 16 December 2013 at 7:30pm

This is a wonderful opportunity to join in carol singing, remember the work of our brave and dedicated volunteer lifeboat crews and donate to the Lifeboat via the offertory.
St James’ Parish Church, Fort Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 2AD
Baldragon Academy Carol Singers Fundraise at the Bingo
Customers arriving at the Mecca Bingo in Douglasfield on Saturday night were greeted at the door by a group of carol singers from Baldragon Academy. I was pleased to join staff and pupils from the school for their Christmas fundraising in aid of the Brown Street Kennels in Dundee. The carollers also brought along their dogs who were all on their best behaviour.
The Bingo players arriving for their party night provided appreciative feedback and were very generous with their donations. Thanks are also due to Mecca staff for their help.
The Bingo players arriving for their party night provided appreciative feedback and were very generous with their donations. Thanks are also due to Mecca staff for their help.
Road Traffic Accident Close to Forthill Primary School
On Wednesday afternoon a man was knocked down at the end of Marlee Road in Broughty Ferry. An ambulance was called and took the person involved to Ninewells hospital. This occurred close to the leaving time for pupils at the nearby Forthill Primary School.
I hope the individual involved was not seriously injured in this accident and that that they make a speedy recovery.
According to a resident, who lives near the street end in the vicinity of Marlee Court, the road was, as usual, congested with cars coming and going as parents and carers were picking up their children from Forthill Primary School.
Since more traffic controls were put in place directly outside Forthill Primary School, some of the traffic has been been displaced into surrounding streets such as Marlee Road. Children can walk or be accompanied on a pathway that leads from the road end through the play park to Forthill Primary School.
Residents have complained that twice a day their otherwise quiet street is overwhelmed with traffic. Their inconvenience would be reduced if some of the car drivers were more considerate with their parking and avoided blocking residents wanting to drive on or off their their own driveways.
They are worried that the level of congestion poses dangers to pupils at the school and their own children as well as other road users. They are convinced that, ''this was 'an accident waiting to happen'.
Since I was informed about this accident, I have been in touch with Police Scotland, and the Community Safety Team to ask that they step up their presence in the area. I have also written to Neil Gellatly the Head of Transportation at the City Council to ask him to assess what can be be put in place to prevent a similar incident occurring and to minimise parking disruption for the residents. I have also contacted the Headteacher.
Santa Claus is Coming to Broughty Ferry Library on Saturday 14 December 10-12 noon
Santa Claus is taking time out from his busy schedule for a flying visit to Broughty Ferry Library between 10am and 12noon on Saturday 14 December 2013.
Children of all ages are welcome.
Entry is free.
There will also be festive crafts - make a Christmas card or decoration.
Broughty Ferry Library
Queen Street Broughty Ferry DD5 2HN
telephone 01382 636919
Children of all ages are welcome.
Entry is free.
There will also be festive crafts - make a Christmas card or decoration.
Broughty Ferry Library
Queen Street Broughty Ferry DD5 2HN
telephone 01382 636919
Consultation Begins on Draft Broughty Ferry Conservation Area Appraisal
The City Council Planning Department, invites comments on the proposed Broughty Ferry Conservation Area Appraisal.
This appraisal covers the central part of Broughty Ferry from the junction of Douglas Terrace with Dundee Road in the West to Rugby Terrace on the Esplanade in the East.
The appraisal proposes a number of significant changes from the existing Conservation Area, especially extensions to the boundary of the Conservation Area.
At this stage they invite comments from members of the public and all interested people on the terms and content of the draft Conservation Area Appraisal.
All comments must be received by 24th January 2014.
Once comments have been received they will be used to improve and finalise the proposal. It is anticipated that the revised proposal and results of the consultation exercise will then be reported to the City Development Committee for approval as a material planning consideration.
The proposal also includes extending the current Article 4 Directions to include the boundary alterations as outlined within the Appraisal document.
Copies of the Broughty Ferry Conservation Area Appraisal document can also be viewed at the Broughty Ferry Community Library - Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 2HN, Central Library - The Wellgate Shopping Centre and the Reception of Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street.
Please send your comments in writing to; City Development Department, Development Management, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS, marked “Consultation Response – Central Conservation Area Appraisal” or alternately emailed to conservationareas@dundeecity.gov.uk in advance of the deadline on 24th January 2014.
Should you wish to discuss the content of the draft proposal please contact Gary Knox, Conservation Officer, Tel 01382 433414.
This appraisal covers the central part of Broughty Ferry from the junction of Douglas Terrace with Dundee Road in the West to Rugby Terrace on the Esplanade in the East.
The appraisal proposes a number of significant changes from the existing Conservation Area, especially extensions to the boundary of the Conservation Area.
At this stage they invite comments from members of the public and all interested people on the terms and content of the draft Conservation Area Appraisal.
All comments must be received by 24th January 2014.
Once comments have been received they will be used to improve and finalise the proposal. It is anticipated that the revised proposal and results of the consultation exercise will then be reported to the City Development Committee for approval as a material planning consideration.
The proposal also includes extending the current Article 4 Directions to include the boundary alterations as outlined within the Appraisal document.
Copies of the Broughty Ferry Conservation Area Appraisal document can also be viewed at the Broughty Ferry Community Library - Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee DD5 2HN, Central Library - The Wellgate Shopping Centre and the Reception of Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street.
Please send your comments in writing to; City Development Department, Development Management, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS, marked “Consultation Response – Central Conservation Area Appraisal” or alternately emailed to conservationareas@dundeecity.gov.uk in advance of the deadline on 24th January 2014.
Should you wish to discuss the content of the draft proposal please contact Gary Knox, Conservation Officer, Tel 01382 433414.
Royal Mail Post Box On Camphill Road Corner Closed
At the December meeting of Broughty Ferry Community Council, I reported residents' concerns about a damaged stone wall at the junction of Camphill Road and Bughties Road. Holes and cracks in the stone work had been apparently caused by a car crashing into it. The Conservation Officer of the Council had confirmed that the owners of the property were pursuing an insurance claim and repairs to the wall would be forthcoming.
At the same location, right on the corner of these two roads, there is a Royal Mail Post Box. It currently remains difficult to access behind some temporary barriers keeping the public away from the falling masonry. Now residents have noticed that the box has had its letter slot covered. It is rumoured that this is not just a temporary measure.
Two resident's approached me concerned that a temporary suspension of collections by Royal Mail might turn into a long term closure of this letter box. They pointed out out that there are a significant number of older people in the area and that it is a much longer walk to the next nearest letters boxes in the wider area.
I have written to Royal Mail to request reassurance that this is merely a temporary suspension of collections until the wall is repaired and the public can access to this letter box again.
At the same location, right on the corner of these two roads, there is a Royal Mail Post Box. It currently remains difficult to access behind some temporary barriers keeping the public away from the falling masonry. Now residents have noticed that the box has had its letter slot covered. It is rumoured that this is not just a temporary measure.
Two resident's approached me concerned that a temporary suspension of collections by Royal Mail might turn into a long term closure of this letter box. They pointed out out that there are a significant number of older people in the area and that it is a much longer walk to the next nearest letters boxes in the wider area.
I have written to Royal Mail to request reassurance that this is merely a temporary suspension of collections until the wall is repaired and the public can access to this letter box again.
Joining the Board of Dundee Contemporary Arts
At the full Council meeting on Monday evening, I was nominated to fill a vacancy as a Council representative on the Board of Dundee Contemporary Arts.
I am pleased to have been appointed to take on this role.
I am looking forward to attending my first board meeting in the new year.
I am pleased to have been appointed to take on this role.
I am looking forward to attending my first board meeting in the new year.
Environment Committee Approves Play Area Improvements at Castle Green and Orchar Park
At the Environment Committee on Monday evening 9th December, improvements were agreed to play areas across the city. For The Ferry these included play areas at Castle Green and Orchar Park.
These proposals had been developed to address existing health and safety concerns and to enhance the amenity of facilities in each location. They should also help reduce the future maintenance burden on the Council Tax.
More specifically, these are the improvements that will be coming our way in Broughty Ferry:
Castle Green
Install climbing nets and sand play equipment to enhance the site, replacing equipment that is beyond economic repair.
Orchar Park
Improve woodchip safety surfacing under play equipment.
These proposals had been developed to address existing health and safety concerns and to enhance the amenity of facilities in each location. They should also help reduce the future maintenance burden on the Council Tax.
More specifically, these are the improvements that will be coming our way in Broughty Ferry:
Castle Green
Install climbing nets and sand play equipment to enhance the site, replacing equipment that is beyond economic repair.
Orchar Park
Improve woodchip safety surfacing under play equipment.
The Memory of Broughty Ferry Book is Published
5th November 2013 was the centenary of Broughty Ferry becoming part of Dundee. A series of community led events during the year have taken place to recognise the end of Broughty Ferry as a separate Burgh.
Very close to the anniversary of annexation, Hugh Begg, Chris Davey and Nancy Davey have published an absorbing volume of local history, 'The Memory of Broughty Ferry'. The handsome cover features in the background the 1801 Plan of the 'New Town at the North Ferry' featuring the distinctive grid of roads which is still recognisable today.
The publication is now on sale for £6 in the The Ferry at Mcdonalds the Stationers in Brook Street and the Eduardo Alessandro Studios in Gray Street. In Dundee you will find it on sale at Waterstones in Commercial Street. There is also a reference copy available at the Broughty Ferry Library.
The book contains 100 pages featuring nine separate chapters including:
Very close to the anniversary of annexation, Hugh Begg, Chris Davey and Nancy Davey have published an absorbing volume of local history, 'The Memory of Broughty Ferry'. The handsome cover features in the background the 1801 Plan of the 'New Town at the North Ferry' featuring the distinctive grid of roads which is still recognisable today.
The publication is now on sale for £6 in the The Ferry at Mcdonalds the Stationers in Brook Street and the Eduardo Alessandro Studios in Gray Street. In Dundee you will find it on sale at Waterstones in Commercial Street. There is also a reference copy available at the Broughty Ferry Library.
The book contains 100 pages featuring nine separate chapters including:
- Broughty Ferry before 1913
- Salmon Fishing in Broughty Ferry
- The Mansion House Murder Mystery
- Fisher Street Graveyard
- The End of the Burgh of Broughty Ferry
Report to Broughty Ferry Community Council December 2013 Meeting
On Tuesday night 3 December 2013, I attended the monthly meeting of Broughty Ferry Community Council.
Here some extracts from my report to the Community Council:
Damaged Stone Wall Corner of Bughties and Camphill Roads
A stone wall at the corner of Bughties and Camphill Road was damaged by a vehicle crashing into it during the early autumn. A resident had contacted me to express concern that if this wall was not repaired soon the weather might get into the wall. I contacted Gary Knox, the Council's Conservation Officer, who contacted the relevant Planning Officer who has reassured me that the owners of the wall are pursuing an insurance claim and hope the wall be repaired soon..
Barnhill Primary School
The steel frame for the extension has now been erected providing a clearer illustration of the external dimensions of the extesnion currently under construction.
I have asked the Director of Education to investigate plans that seem to indicate that the changing rooms for the new Games Hall will neither have wash hand brains nor toilets. This does not seem right.
Barnhill Primary school has insufficient storage racks for scooters and bicycles, for the children who scoot or cycle to school, I have asked the Director of Education whether any potential underspend in the contract for the extension of the school can be used for installing more bike and scooter racks.
Eastern Primary School/Grove Academy
After meeting of the School Parking and Pupil Safety working group and a further meeting with the Head of Transportation, Neil Gellatly. I can report that his engineers are investigating the feasibility of installing a lights controlled crossing on Queen Street close to its junction with Church Street.
Dundee Port Authority
I have mentioned previously (to the Community Council) the potential proposals for the expansion of port land from the Stannergate towards Broughty Ferry. In an article in the local press this week, the Manager of the Dundee Port indicated that this was to be pursued.
Changing Policy for School Placing Requests for Session from 2015/16
The Director of Education has produced a report to the Education Committee on Monday 9 December 2013 asking for permission to consult citywide on changing the policy for Placing Requests for schools with effect from school session 2015/16. A consultation meeting about this has been arranged at Grove Academy on Monday 3 February 2014.
Broughty Ferry Community Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month(excluding August and January) in the Community Library, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Dundee DD5 2HN. Community Council meetings begin at 7pm and are open to the public.
Here some extracts from my report to the Community Council:
Damaged Stone Wall Corner of Bughties and Camphill Roads
A stone wall at the corner of Bughties and Camphill Road was damaged by a vehicle crashing into it during the early autumn. A resident had contacted me to express concern that if this wall was not repaired soon the weather might get into the wall. I contacted Gary Knox, the Council's Conservation Officer, who contacted the relevant Planning Officer who has reassured me that the owners of the wall are pursuing an insurance claim and hope the wall be repaired soon..
Barnhill Primary School
The steel frame for the extension has now been erected providing a clearer illustration of the external dimensions of the extesnion currently under construction.
I have asked the Director of Education to investigate plans that seem to indicate that the changing rooms for the new Games Hall will neither have wash hand brains nor toilets. This does not seem right.
Barnhill Primary school has insufficient storage racks for scooters and bicycles, for the children who scoot or cycle to school, I have asked the Director of Education whether any potential underspend in the contract for the extension of the school can be used for installing more bike and scooter racks.
Eastern Primary School/Grove Academy
After meeting of the School Parking and Pupil Safety working group and a further meeting with the Head of Transportation, Neil Gellatly. I can report that his engineers are investigating the feasibility of installing a lights controlled crossing on Queen Street close to its junction with Church Street.
Dundee Port Authority
I have mentioned previously (to the Community Council) the potential proposals for the expansion of port land from the Stannergate towards Broughty Ferry. In an article in the local press this week, the Manager of the Dundee Port indicated that this was to be pursued.
Changing Policy for School Placing Requests for Session from 2015/16
The Director of Education has produced a report to the Education Committee on Monday 9 December 2013 asking for permission to consult citywide on changing the policy for Placing Requests for schools with effect from school session 2015/16. A consultation meeting about this has been arranged at Grove Academy on Monday 3 February 2014.
Broughty Ferry Community Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month(excluding August and January) in the Community Library, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Dundee DD5 2HN. Community Council meetings begin at 7pm and are open to the public.
Enter the 2014 New Year Dook at Broughty Ferry Harbour
It's time to get your entry in for the New Year's Day Dook 2014 at Broughty Ferry Harbour. Start time this year is 2:30pm.
The dook is organised by Scotland's only open water swimming club; Broughty Ferry's 'Ye Amphibious Ancients Bathing Association'; the Phibbies!
Yes the year is passing fast and as the Christmas lights in The Ferry have already been switched on, it's time to fill in your entry form. All entrants will receive their own Dook T-shirt and a Certificate of Achievement.
Entry fee £15.
To enter either fill in the entry form in the printed Dook 2014 Official Programme which is available throughout the Ferry in shops and at the Library or apply online at Ye Abba Dook 1st January 2014 - online entry form.
The dook is organised by Scotland's only open water swimming club; Broughty Ferry's 'Ye Amphibious Ancients Bathing Association'; the Phibbies!
Yes the year is passing fast and as the Christmas lights in The Ferry have already been switched on, it's time to fill in your entry form. All entrants will receive their own Dook T-shirt and a Certificate of Achievement.
Entry fee £15.
To enter either fill in the entry form in the printed Dook 2014 Official Programme which is available throughout the Ferry in shops and at the Library or apply online at Ye Abba Dook 1st January 2014 - online entry form.
Steel Framework Assembly Begins for Barnhill Primary School Extension
On Wednesday, work began assembling the steel frame for the extension to Barnhill Primary School. Looking over from Gillies Park, you can see one of the the first steel beams being lifted by a crane into position. As these are erected, the scale and shape of the two storey extension to the school will become more apparent.
The £2 million extension is programmed to be ready for occupation by teachers and pupils for the new intake in August 2014.
The £2 million extension is programmed to be ready for occupation by teachers and pupils for the new intake in August 2014.
Dundee Festival of Libraries - Events at Broughty Ferry Library This Week
@ Broughty Ferry Library This Week
Thursday 28 November 2013 7.00pm
Lesley McDowell - Adult Event
Lesley talks about her new gothic novel “Unfashioned Creatures” 200 years after Mary Shelley’s stay in Broughty Ferry.
Saturday 30 November 2013 3–4.00pm
Metaphrog - Children’s Event
10–15 years
Create your own comic character workshop with graphic novel duo Metaphrog.
Read/download Dundee Wide Programme of Events
Broughty Ferry Community Library
Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 2HN
Phone 01382 436919
Email broughty.library@dundeecity.gov.uk
Website http://www.leisureandculturedundee.com/library/broughty_ferry
Thursday 28 November 2013 7.00pm
Lesley McDowell - Adult Event
Lesley talks about her new gothic novel “Unfashioned Creatures” 200 years after Mary Shelley’s stay in Broughty Ferry.
Saturday 30 November 2013 3–4.00pm
Metaphrog - Children’s Event
10–15 years
Create your own comic character workshop with graphic novel duo Metaphrog.
Read/download Dundee Wide Programme of Events
Broughty Ferry Community Library
Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 2HN
Phone 01382 436919
Email broughty.library@dundeecity.gov.uk
Website http://www.leisureandculturedundee.com/library/broughty_ferry
Great Night Out at Christmas Lights 2013 in Broughty Ferry
Last night the Switching on of the Christmas Lights in Broughty Ferry and the associated festivities appeared to be a great success.
Brook Street and Gray Street were thronged with folk enjoying the fun of the fair and the entertainment on the Radio Tay stage. While the temperature was near freezing, thankfully it was dry this year.
Many thanks to Broughty Ferry Traders' Association for organising another great night out to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season in The Ferry
Link to Slideshow of Christmas Light Night 2013 in The Ferry
Brook Street and Gray Street were thronged with folk enjoying the fun of the fair and the entertainment on the Radio Tay stage. While the temperature was near freezing, thankfully it was dry this year.
Many thanks to Broughty Ferry Traders' Association for organising another great night out to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season in The Ferry
Link to Slideshow of Christmas Light Night 2013 in The Ferry
Christmas Poster Competition Winners 2013 from our three Broughty Ferry Primary Schools
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Broughty Ferry Traders' Association have just announced the winners of their Christmas Poster Competition for 2013.
- Lawry Angus from P7A at Barnhill Primary School,
- Rosie Nicoll P5 from Eastern Primary School and
- Sophie Merchant P2B from Forthill Primary School
Didn't they do well?
Temporary Road Closure Central Broughty Ferry Thursday 21 November 2pm-9pm for Christmas Lights Events
The Dundee City Council as Traffic Authority being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of the Broughty Ferry Christmas Lights switch on event
HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in:
This notice comes into effect on Thursday 21 November 2013 between the hours of 2.00pm and 9.00pm.
Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Fort Street/Queen Street/St Vincent Street.
Access will be maintained where possible.
For further information contact (01382) 433168.
Mike P Galloway
Director of City Development, Dundee City Council
The Dundee City Council as Traffic Authority being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of the Broughty Ferry Christmas Lights switch on event
HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in:
- Brook Street (between Fort Street and St Vincent Street) Broughty Ferry
- Gray Street (between Queen Street and King Street) Broughty Ferry.
This notice comes into effect on Thursday 21 November 2013 between the hours of 2.00pm and 9.00pm.
Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Fort Street/Queen Street/St Vincent Street.
Access will be maintained where possible.
For further information contact (01382) 433168.
Mike P Galloway
Director of City Development, Dundee City Council
Christmas Lights Going Up in Brook Street
On Monday afternoon work began erecting the Christmas lights in The Ferry.
My picture catches the team perched on a platform over the middle of Brook Street putting up the illuminated 'Merry Christmas' suspended above the road between the YMCA and the Burgh Halls.
Only three days to go before the switching on of the lights on Thursday evening 21 November 2013.
My picture catches the team perched on a platform over the middle of Brook Street putting up the illuminated 'Merry Christmas' suspended above the road between the YMCA and the Burgh Halls.
Only three days to go before the switching on of the lights on Thursday evening 21 November 2013.
Dundee Cycling Report Card - Some Good Progress But We Must Try Harder
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The Council's performance is rated as slightly stronger on 'Planning' and 'Monitoring' and relatively weaker on 'Action'. In fact the two star rating for 'Action' is the Council's lowest score.
The 1% modal share for cycling shows by implication that there is an enormous gulf between this performance and the target from the Scottish Government of 10% of short journeys by bike by 2020 to help meet carbon reduction targets.
Also significant and particularly disappointing are the very low scores of children cycling to school and those undertaking a Bikeabilty Scotland course, which is the replacement for the Cycling Proficiency Test that I tokk when I was at school. I don't think we can anticipate a significant future lift in cycling in our city if only two or three of our Primary Schools undertake this award.
More encouraging is the score for 'Households with Access to A Bicycle' at 23%. This shows that there are plenty of households with a bike who, with the right infrastructure and support, might be encouraged to get back on the saddle and ride their bikes rather than take short journeys in their cars. That would be good for the environment and personal health.
I will be raising the issues raised in this report with the Head of Transportation and the Director of Education.
Read or Download the National Assessment Of Local Authority Cycling Policy
Speedy Response by Environment Department to Issues at Neglected Open Space on Douglas Terrace
On Monday night I raised an issue at the Environment Committee about the state of the rather neglected open space at the corner of the junction between the coastal pathway and Douglas Terrace. On Friday afternoon (yesterday) a team of Environment Department staff were out rectifying some of the issues I had raised.
The issues at this triangular area of public open space arose chiefly because the area close to the road had been used as a construction compound where plant and equipment had been stored, while recent construction work on the beach and the coastal pathway had been undertaken.
It looks as though the damage caused to the surface, particularly the deep ruts from heavy vehicles have been flattened.
I will look by again next week when the work has been completed - so far so good.
The issues at this triangular area of public open space arose chiefly because the area close to the road had been used as a construction compound where plant and equipment had been stored, while recent construction work on the beach and the coastal pathway had been undertaken.
It looks as though the damage caused to the surface, particularly the deep ruts from heavy vehicles have been flattened.
I will look by again next week when the work has been completed - so far so good.
Temporary Road Closures in Central Broughty Ferry While Christmas Lights are Erected
The Dundee City Council as Traffic Authority being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of the erection of the Broughty Ferry Christmas Lights being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in:
This notice comes into effect on Monday 18 November 2013 for 3 evenings between the hours of 6.00pm and 11.00pm. Only one section of road will be closed at any one time.
Local diversion routes will be available for each closure. Access will be maintained where possible.
For further information contact (01382) 433168
Mike P Galloway
Director of Planning and Transportation, Dundee City Council
The Dundee City Council as Traffic Authority being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of the erection of the Broughty Ferry Christmas Lights being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in:
- Brook Street (between Fort Street and Gray Street), Broughty Ferry.
- Gray Street (between Long Lane and King Street), Broughty Ferry.
- Fort Street (between Long Lane and King Street), Broughty Ferry.
This notice comes into effect on Monday 18 November 2013 for 3 evenings between the hours of 6.00pm and 11.00pm. Only one section of road will be closed at any one time.
Local diversion routes will be available for each closure. Access will be maintained where possible.
For further information contact (01382) 433168
Mike P Galloway
Director of Planning and Transportation, Dundee City Council
Countdown to 2013 Switching On Broughty Ferry Christmas Lights Thursday 21 November 2013 from 6:00 pm
Only seven days left until the beginning of the 2013 Christmas season in Broughty Ferry begins with the switching on of the Christmas Lights on Thursday 21 November.
The evening kicks off at 6pm with street rides, the Radio Tay Roadshow, Eastern Primary School Choir, street entertainers, carnival rides, the famous Scott Brothers BBQ, together with complimentary mince pies, sweeties and hot mulled wine courtesy of the Broughty Ferry Traders. It will all be going on in Brook Street and Gray Street with the central section of both streets car free for the evening. The lights will be officially switched on at 7pm.
Once again our very own Broughty Ferry Traders' Association, have organised the night and donate the Christmas lights to the people of Broughty Ferry by way of a thank you for their custom over the year. The official sponsor this year is Gillies of Broughty Ferry.
The evening kicks off at 6pm with street rides, the Radio Tay Roadshow, Eastern Primary School Choir, street entertainers, carnival rides, the famous Scott Brothers BBQ, together with complimentary mince pies, sweeties and hot mulled wine courtesy of the Broughty Ferry Traders. It will all be going on in Brook Street and Gray Street with the central section of both streets car free for the evening. The lights will be officially switched on at 7pm.
Once again our very own Broughty Ferry Traders' Association, have organised the night and donate the Christmas lights to the people of Broughty Ferry by way of a thank you for their custom over the year. The official sponsor this year is Gillies of Broughty Ferry.
Public Open Space Improvements in Broughty Ferry

In Broughty Ferry the following three schemes were included.
- Barnhill Housing/Strathmore Street/Nursery Road - refurbish shrub areas and landscape to grass, improving maintenance;
- Queen Street/Orchar Park/Inchkeith Avenue - regenerate hedging and rose beds, replace with new plantings and
- Castle Green/Windmill Gardens - redesign and plant new flower beds.
At the meeting I welcomed these three improvements but queried why there were no plans included to cover the triangular area of public open space at the junction of the coastal pathway and Douglas Terrace. Part of this area had been damaged by successive contractors who had set up a temporary compound for building materials and equipment on this ground. I was assured at the meeting that this was to be attended to. On Tuesday I received an email confirming that the contractors who had been working there were being held to reinstate the flower bed and grass. While this commitment was also welcome, I have also asked for a redesign of this area because the rockery is crumbling, the other flower bed is overgrown with weeds and furthermore the corner by teh road has been become muddy and ill defined.
Commemorative Plaque Installed in Reres Road to Honour Cartoon Genius Dudley D Watkins
Dudley D Watkins (1907 - 1969) is one of the twelve historic figures to be chosen in the first year of the Commemorative Plaque Scheme for Scotland. There is a now a plaque on his former home in Reres Road honoring his celebrated work as an illustrator and cartoonist. I think his artistry, especially in Oor Wullie and The Broons makes this recognition much deserved.
According to Historic Scotland, each plaque celebrates the person's life and achievements and will be placed on their home or on a building synonymous with their achievements. Members of the public have been invited to nominate historic figures on Historic Scotland's website and then these were whittled down by an independent panel with a maximum of only 12 plaques awarded each year.
At this pace however, it will take many years before Broughty Ferry, or Dundee for that matter, has enough blue plaques to merit much more than passing interest. I hope this new national scheme will not preclude a scheme for Broughty Ferry, which I raised last month after the appearance of an unofficial plaque on a house wall celebrating the previous residency of Bob Servant.
According to Historic Scotland, each plaque celebrates the person's life and achievements and will be placed on their home or on a building synonymous with their achievements. Members of the public have been invited to nominate historic figures on Historic Scotland's website and then these were whittled down by an independent panel with a maximum of only 12 plaques awarded each year.
At this pace however, it will take many years before Broughty Ferry, or Dundee for that matter, has enough blue plaques to merit much more than passing interest. I hope this new national scheme will not preclude a scheme for Broughty Ferry, which I raised last month after the appearance of an unofficial plaque on a house wall celebrating the previous residency of Bob Servant.
Armistice Day Service at Grove Academy 11am 11th November 2013
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The service, led by the School's clergy team, included the observation of the two minutes silence at eleven o'clock. This marks the time, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of eleventh month of 1918, when the armistice was signed bringing the first world war to an end.
The service was introduced by Rev Helen Bridger (St Mary's Episcopal Church) and included contributions from Gary Torbet (St James' Parish Church) and Patrick Sullivan (Church of Christ at Campfield Square) and Senior Pupils. It was held outside the school around the war memorial where two wreaths were laid to honour the memory of Grove FPs who died in the two world wars and later conflicts.
Broughty Ferry 2014 Calendar on Sale in The Ferry
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The beautiful photographs, one for each month, were some of those submitted to the Traders as entries in their 2013 Photography Competition.
The calendar photographs attest to the high standard of entries received and to the attractiveness of Broughty Ferry as a place to live, work and visit.
The calendar costs £9:99
Available from the following Ferry businesses:
- Eduardo Alessandro Studios, 30 Gray Street;
- Ferry Potty Arts & Crafts Shop, 339 Brook Street;
- The Gift Horse, 82 Gray Street;
- Gillies Furniture Carpets and Floor Coverings, 180 Brook Street;
- Millar's Clothing Store, 41-43 Gray Street;
- Mostyn McKenzie Shoes, 168 Brook Street and
- R.S McPherson Pharmacy, 120 Gray Street.
Remembrance Sunday 2013
Earlier today, I attended the Remembrance Sunday service at St Mary's Episcopal Church in Broughty Ferry.
It was a thought provoking service during which one of our congregational members read out the names recorded in the roll of honour inscribed on the chancel screen. This included the names of several members of the same family who had died in the first world war.
When you go home
tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
we gave our today
(Kohima Epitaph)
During the service, I was particularly remembering my maternal Grandfather, Herbert Stevens, who had been born in Maidstone and I had known had served in the First World War. I had always assumed that he had joined The Queen’s Own Buffs, The Royal Kent Regiment. While I was browsing through a box of assorted papers kept by my Mother, I discovered his Character Certificate. This confirmed he had, in fact, served in the Royal Scots Reserve until he was discharged, 'no longer fit for war' in October 1917.
It was a thought provoking service during which one of our congregational members read out the names recorded in the roll of honour inscribed on the chancel screen. This included the names of several members of the same family who had died in the first world war.
When you go home
tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
we gave our today
(Kohima Epitaph)
During the service, I was particularly remembering my maternal Grandfather, Herbert Stevens, who had been born in Maidstone and I had known had served in the First World War. I had always assumed that he had joined The Queen’s Own Buffs, The Royal Kent Regiment. While I was browsing through a box of assorted papers kept by my Mother, I discovered his Character Certificate. This confirmed he had, in fact, served in the Royal Scots Reserve until he was discharged, 'no longer fit for war' in October 1917.
Jazz In The Ferry Sunday 24 November 2-5pm Part of Dundee Jazz Festival 2013
Top class Jazz and Blues will be all over The Ferry on Sunday afternoon 24 November 2013 with a host of great names playing informal sets in four intimate venues.
With a rover ticket you can roam from venue to venue checking out the music and the atmosphere. 3 hours of great soul, jazz, blues and swing in 4 venues in Broughty Ferry for £6
2pm Dick Lee Swingtet - hot jazz inspired by masters of swing
3-5pm Alison Affleck & Vieux Carre - Energetic hot jazz inspired by 1930s-50s swing – Billie Holiday and Peggy Lee. Vintage tunes from the Great American Songbook
Gulistan House
2pm Dundee University Big Band - Great big band tunes
3pm Matt Andersen - Canadian blues guitarist and singer-songwriter
4pm Dundee University Big Band - From Glenn Miller to Frank Sinatra via latin jazz
Papa Jacques
2pm Lorna Reid Jazz Café - Classic jazz and swing tunes from cool and classy singer
3pm Remembering Chet - Colin Steele and Iain Ewing celebrate cool west coast jazz style
4pm Lorna Reid Jazz Café - Shades of Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Krall and Tom Waits
Post Office Bar
2pm Molly Duncan - Soul, bop and funky jazz from co-founder of Average White Band. He is joined by Iain Mathieson, Ron Elder and Bill Kemp.
4pm Colin Steele and Friends - A jazz jam led by Scotland’s top trumpeter
Rover Ticket £6
Ticket Hotline 01382 434940
Website http://www.jazzdundee.co.uk/
With a rover ticket you can roam from venue to venue checking out the music and the atmosphere. 3 hours of great soul, jazz, blues and swing in 4 venues in Broughty Ferry for £6
2pm Dick Lee Swingtet - hot jazz inspired by masters of swing
3-5pm Alison Affleck & Vieux Carre - Energetic hot jazz inspired by 1930s-50s swing – Billie Holiday and Peggy Lee. Vintage tunes from the Great American Songbook
Gulistan House
2pm Dundee University Big Band - Great big band tunes
3pm Matt Andersen - Canadian blues guitarist and singer-songwriter
4pm Dundee University Big Band - From Glenn Miller to Frank Sinatra via latin jazz
Papa Jacques
2pm Lorna Reid Jazz Café - Classic jazz and swing tunes from cool and classy singer
3pm Remembering Chet - Colin Steele and Iain Ewing celebrate cool west coast jazz style
4pm Lorna Reid Jazz Café - Shades of Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Krall and Tom Waits
Post Office Bar
2pm Molly Duncan - Soul, bop and funky jazz from co-founder of Average White Band. He is joined by Iain Mathieson, Ron Elder and Bill Kemp.
4pm Colin Steele and Friends - A jazz jam led by Scotland’s top trumpeter
Rover Ticket £6
Ticket Hotline 01382 434940
Website http://www.jazzdundee.co.uk/
Broughty Ferry Christmas Street Party and Switching on of Christmas Lights Thurs 21st November 2013 Starts 6pm
It's only two week to go!
On Thursday 21st November 2013, starting at 6pm, come to Broughty Ferry to see Santa and join in the count down to the switching on of the festive light displays at Broughty Ferry's Big Annual Christmas Street Party.
Live music, carol singing and entertainment for all the family in Brook Street and Gray Street courtesy of The Radio Tay Roadshow. The street party includes Carnival rides, food stalls and much more!
A great night to welcome in the beginning of the Christmas and New Year season in style!
On Thursday 21st November 2013, starting at 6pm, come to Broughty Ferry to see Santa and join in the count down to the switching on of the festive light displays at Broughty Ferry's Big Annual Christmas Street Party.
Live music, carol singing and entertainment for all the family in Brook Street and Gray Street courtesy of The Radio Tay Roadshow. The street party includes Carnival rides, food stalls and much more!
A great night to welcome in the beginning of the Christmas and New Year season in style!
Equal Pay Day Thursday 7 November 2013
Today is Equal Pay Day – the day on which women effectively stop being paid for the year because of the gender pay gap. The date for Equal Pay Day is set by the latest pay statistics, which show that women working full-time earn 15 per cent less per hour (excluding overtime) than men working full-time.
The gender pay gap for women working part-time is even greater at 35.6 per cent. For the UK’s six million female part-time workers, they effectively stop being paid on 27 August.
The TUC has marked Equal Pay Day by publishing an analysis looking at the size of the gender pay gap in occupations across the workforce. Its analysis of official figures shows that in many professions the gender pay gap is far greater than 15 per cent.
The gender pay gap for women working part-time is even greater at 35.6 per cent. For the UK’s six million female part-time workers, they effectively stop being paid on 27 August.
The TUC has marked Equal Pay Day by publishing an analysis looking at the size of the gender pay gap in occupations across the workforce. Its analysis of official figures shows that in many professions the gender pay gap is far greater than 15 per cent.
Occupations with the biggest gender pay gaps
Hourly pay, men
Hourly pay, women
Gender pay gap (per cent)
Gender pay gap (per hour)
Gender pay gap (per year)
Health professionals
Culture, media and sports occupations
Process, plant and machine operatives
Managers, directors and senior officials
Business and public service associate professionals
Corporate managers and directors
Process, plant and machine operatives
Skilled trades occupations
Associate professional and technical occupations
All employees
Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2012
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