Resident, Bob Wilson, who first took up this issue, said:"I am very pleased that my driveway has been brought up to standard by Bett Homes so that it can now be adopted by the Council. I want to thank Senior Highways Engineer, Mike Giblin; Councillor Laurie Bidwell and of course Bett Homes for working together to sort out this issue for me and the other residents who were in the same predicament. I am delighted with my upgraded driveway.'
I am pleased to have been able to support Bob Wilson's efforts to have this issue resolved. Bett Homes deserve recognition for their extraordinary customer service in remedying an issue from so many years ago. But the real thanks should go to Bob for taking up this issue in the first place, sticking with it over a number of years and recognising that the legal discrepancy that affected him and his driveway applied to his neighbours in the same street.