In Broughty Ferry the following three schemes were included.
- Barnhill Housing/Strathmore Street/Nursery Road - refurbish shrub areas and landscape to grass, improving maintenance;
- Queen Street/Orchar Park/Inchkeith Avenue - regenerate hedging and rose beds, replace with new plantings and
- Castle Green/Windmill Gardens - redesign and plant new flower beds.
At the meeting I welcomed these three improvements but queried why there were no plans included to cover the triangular area of public open space at the junction of the coastal pathway and Douglas Terrace. Part of this area had been damaged by successive contractors who had set up a temporary compound for building materials and equipment on this ground. I was assured at the meeting that this was to be attended to. On Tuesday I received an email confirming that the contractors who had been working there were being held to reinstate the flower bed and grass. While this commitment was also welcome, I have also asked for a redesign of this area because the rockery is crumbling, the other flower bed is overgrown with weeds and furthermore the corner by teh road has been become muddy and ill defined.