"I am very disappointed that I have not won back Dundee East for Scottish Labour tonight. But the battle of ideas will continue and I know that my colleagues and I will continue to contest the distracting nationalism of the SNP and the enduring relevance of our agenda of social justice for people in Dundee East constituency and throughout Scotland; a Scotland that draws on and contributes to the mutuality and strength of the United Kingdom.
To all those voters whom I met on the doorstep, whom I spoke to on the phone and to whom I wrote replies to their emails; be assured that your issues have been clearly heard. Furthermore, our very capable Scottish Labour team of Councillors, MSPs and MPs will work with me to pursue the issues that you so obviously feel strongly about and which your have referred to the Labour party for resolution.
I should like to thank my opponents who have fought fairly and with good humour throughout the campaign. I should also like to thank the Returning Officer, David Dorward, Chief Executive of the City Council and his staff for a very well organised and well run election.
Behind my candidature is a hard-working team of unpaid party workers without whom I could not have fought this campaign. In particular, I owe a debt of gratitude to my agent Lorna Ward, to Councillor Brian Gordon the Chairperson of Dundee East Labour Party, Vice Provost Peter Murphy Chairperson of Carnoustie and Monifieth Labour Party and Stephen Massy my Campaign Co-ordinator.
So be assured that Scottish Labour in the Dundee East constituency will live to fight and win another day."