At the meeting of the Education Committee, on Monday 28 September 2009, I had requested:
'the Committee to agree that the Director of Education should be requested to bring forward a Report about plans for the improvement of the School Estate in Dundee, more particularly by giving an overview of plans for the next phase of school building and refurbishment in the City, including any projects to be funded by the Scottish Futures Trust, to the next meeting of the Committee.'
At the meeting, I was persuaded that a more realistic time-scale should be imposed. With the verbal reassurance from Education Convener that a report would be presented before the Budget meeting in February 2010, I agreed to withdraw my motion and not go to a vote. This agreement was not minuted.
The lack of a report on the agenda of the Education Committee on Monday, reveals a contempt for the Education Committee who will be denied an opportunity to scrutinise progress with each of the schools in the capital programme before the capital plan for the Council as a whole comes up for approval at the budget meeting on Thursday next. I am concerned about what the SNP administration have to hide from parents and members of the Education Committee.