The latest twist to their woes came earlier this week when resident Wendy Butter phoned Stewart Milne to request that the grit bins were refilled as the weather looked as though it might deteriorate. She was apparently advised, that the Scottish Government had placed a ban on selling of grit to anyone but local councils so private contractors had to source it through local councils. Stewart Milne were reportedly unable to source grit from Dundee City Council as Tayside Contracts will not supply it to outside suppliers.
Resident Wendy Butters said,
"I think we are going round in circles here!"
Ferry Councillor Laurie Bidwell said,
"Over Christmas and New Year the developer was apparently not contactable when residents needed to summon help with winter road maintenance on their estate. This does not seem like an exemplary standard of aftercare. Right now the Council have access to grit but they are not responsible for this unadopted road. Stewart Milne Homes, who are responsible for the road at Balmossie Brae, reportedly can't access grit to fill the bins so that at least the residents can grit their own road and pavements. The residents seem to be in a catch 22."
"I contacted the City Development department of the City Council earlier today and have asked that consideration is given to making house developers' responsibility for winter road maintenance more explicit in conditions applied to future planning permissions. This of course won't help the residents of Balmossie Brae. They need more thorough aftercare from Stewart Milne Homes and less buck passing until their roads are adopted, hopefully in 2011."