The Broughty Ferry Dook — which is organised by Ye Amphibious Ancients' Bathing Association — gets under way at 11:00 on Sunday. The detailed programme is as follows:
11:00 Arrival Music by Bruce Whamond
12:00 noon Horn's Carnival Start
13:00 Boath Highland Dancers
13:20 Discovery Twirlers
13:50 Boath Highland Dancers. Fancy Dress Parade/Competition
14:30pm Welcome from YeAABA President Joyce McIntosh, Dook Sponsor Steve James of John James Roofing and Lord Provost Cllr Bob Duncan
14:45 Pipes and Drums of the 44th Boy's Brigade
15:00 Dook Start via Hooter
16:00 New Year's Day Raffle Draw at the Fort Hotel, Fort Street, Broughty Ferry.
All Welcome.