Manager Margot Bruce and her staff team at the Club are to be warmly congratulated for earning such a positive report which is reflected in the straight 6's/Excellent grades awarded for each category of the inspection (see diagram). The inspectors' positivity is also evident in their commentary.
The Inspectors wrote:
"Forthill Out of School care club provides a very high standard of care for primary school aged children before and after school, and during the holidays.
The service is well managed and organised by a qualified and experienced staff team and an active management committee. Children who use the service benefit from an excellent range of well-planned activities and high quality input from an enthusiastic staff team. All of the children and parents we had contact with during the inspection told us that they were very happy with the quality of the service."
The Inspectors concluded:
"Forthill Out of School Club is a very high quality service which is well managed and well run. It provides flexible support to busy families, and it provides children with a wide range of fun experiences in a safe environment. The service continually evaluates its own practice taking into account the views of
children and families and uses the National Care Standards and other relevant good practice guidance to develop and improve the quality of care and support it delivers."
Read/download the full Inspection Report
Link to Forthill Out of School Club Website