On Friday morning, I attended two meetings which both had constructive outcomes. At 09:30, I attended the quarterly meeting of the Education Review Group in one of the Council's Committee Rooms off City Square. This group has a diverse and inclusive membership including Head Teachers, Parents/Carers and Pupils representing their their respective city wide Councils, Education Directorate, Trade Union Representatives and Councillors and is chaired by The Chief Executive, David Dorward. We explored a number of current issues in our Schools, especially the implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence. I can't write anymore about this as I am bound by a restriction on publicising the content of the meeting. At 12 noon I caught up with a meeting at the Castle Green Leisure Centre in The Ferry which had started at 11:00. This was the first meeting of a group interested in being involved in planning a series of events to mark the centenary of Broughty Ferry becoming part of Dundee in October 1913. This meeting had been convened by Carole Jenkins our Communities Officer. This group identified a long list of possible activities which might be brought together into a year long programme. It sounds as though we might have a diverse range of activities to look forward to in 2013. The only restriction seems to be that we can't call this a celebration as opinion is apparently divided about the wisdom of the Ferry throwing in its lot with Dundee. Further information about this group from: carole.jenkins@dundeecity.gov.uk