Tenants have your say about future rent levels and service charges before the end of the year!
This is the message from the City Council Housing Department to all its tenants throughout Dundee including Broughty Ferry. Now is the time to take the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the proposed increases in rent and service change from April 2013.
Every year the Housing Department looks at the rent and other charges that they need to collect so that they can continue to deliver the services that tenants have told them they want. They have looked at their budgets from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014 and have developed three different options for rent and service charge increases which they want to gather opinions and feedback on. The three rent options range from an increase in 5% to 5.5%.
More details on the options for rent increases and what you would get for your money.
More details on the options for increases in service charges especially for tenants in sheltered housing.
There are lots of ways to give us your views and feedback on the Council's proposals. All they ask is that you tell them by Monday 31st December 2012
How to give the Council your opinions and feedback.