Further to the e-mail sent on 27/06/11 to advise you of the forthcoming food waste trial in your area, I am now writing to update you on the progress we have made & the forthcoming deliveries of food waste caddies, liners & kerbside containers.
During early July all households in the trial areas received a visit from a Recycling Advisor or member of the Waste Strategy team, hand-delivering the "Teaser card" advising residents of the forthcoming scheme and of the possibility of opting-out. This gave us the opportunity to address any concerns & answer any queries householders had at that time. The last day for Opting-Out was Friday 12th August and the details for your ward area are as follows:
Area 9 - Dawson Park (The Ferry ward): 218 households offered, 22 opt-outs (10%)
Area 10 - Balgillo Park (The Ferry ward): 379 households offered, 17 opt-outs (4.4%)
Overall opt-out rate across the 10 areas is 7.8%
Deliveries of caddies, liners & kerbside containers for all those taking part are due to commence on Wed 31st August.
First collections will be on Wednesday 14th September and will thereafter be uplifted on a fortnightly basis.
A detailed information leaflet will be distributed with the caddies & this should answer all questions but telephone no's & e-mail addresses are provided should anyone have any queries. A link to our webpage which has a list of FAQ's is also included - http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/environment/foodwaste/ Also, information sessions will be held at libraries within the ward areas after the trial has commenced as follows:
Broughty Ferry library • Friday 7th October, 12pm - 2pm