At the next meeting of the Ferry Local Community Planning Partnership (LCPP), on Wednesday 18 August, members of the public will be able to hear more about two big issues in Broughty Ferry. Judging by my contacts with constituents, both are controversial. The first big issue is about the proposed relocation of Eastern Primary School to the former Grove Academy site on the south side of Camperdown Street (item 2 on the Agenda). Director of Education, Jim Collins, will be present. I presume he will explain the proposal, the consultation process that he has been launched and respond to questions. Click of this link to read the questions that I think the Director needs to answer.
The second big issue is Travel Dundee/National Express Dundee bus services that serve Broughty Ferry residents (Item 3 on the Agenda). Lawrence Davie, Director of National Express Dundee will be on hand to hear issues arising from the introduction of the new bus timetables and service changes in late June and the further changes to the 5A and 5B services last week. My post bag has included numerous complaints from residents inconvenienced by the new timetables and withdrawal of some services.
Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of the Ferry LCPP.
The agenda for the meeting appears below:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Ferry Local Community Planning PartnershipMeeting Wednesday 18 August 2010 In Castle Green Leisure Centre beginning at 5.30 pm
AGENDA 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Director of Education Jim Collins Re Proposal to Relocate Eastern Primary School to Grove 3. Lawrence Davie, National Express Re Changes To Bus Services 4. Previous Minutes and matters Arising 5. Local Community Plan Update 5.1 Working Groupsa) Community Facilities and Open Spacesb) Community Safety/Youth Issuesc) Mental Wellbeingd) Beach Management Group 5.2 New Developments Updatea) Friends of Sandy Parkb) Broughty Ferry Development Trustc) Shanwell Wildlife Rescue proposal for Rugby Terrace 6. Department/Agency/Organisation Update 7. Open Forum on Community Issues 8. AOCB 9. Date and Time of Next Meeting