Some readers may wonder why this debate is going on the pages of the local papers and not in the Education Committee of the Council. If they were to look at the Agenda of the meeting tonight, they they would find a single item which invites members of the Education Committee to give the go ahead to three tenders for minor building works in three schools. I have no doubt that the upgrading of the toilets at St Ninian's Primary School, the renewal of corridor fire doors in Braeview Academy and the removal of small amounts of asbestos from the Frances Wright Pre- School Centre will be most welcome in each of these establishments. Readers can be assured that members of the committee will want to know that tenders for these works offer value for money for council tax payers and that the removal of minor amounts of asbestos from the Frances Wright Centre will be by a specialist contractor and at a time when children and staff are not in the Centre. If Convener Fordyce wants to have a constructive debate about education, and not just buildings, she should bring forward a progress report about the Introduction of the Curriculum for Excellence to the Education Committee. Lets talk about teaching and learning at The Education Committee and not just toilet upgrades, and replacing corridor fire doors.