The recent controversy about Christmas being cancelled in Dundee was brought about by the
SNP administration bringing forward plans in August for the
re-branding of the Switching on of the Christmas lights as Winter Light Night. I was one of the few Councillors that night who actually spoke out against this at the City Development Committee meeting, decrying the secularisation of the event. When I heard that commercial interests in the city were in favour, I asked whether the churches had been consulted and the reply was negative. In his press release dated Friday 21 August 2009, Councillor Dawson said,
"I am very much looking forward to being one of the 25,000 people we expect to take advantage of a wide and varied programme including street entertainment and retail opportunities." Understandably, this has provoked negative reactions,
especially from members of church communities in Dundee. I hope that in the changes that are now being made at the last minute to include a
CHRISTmas strand in the proceedings, there is room to properly engage with Advent and the anticipation of Christmas by telling the Christmas story. It would be a pity if there was no room at our Inn to accommodate and celebrate
Importantly, the christian season of Advent begins on Sunday 29 November not Friday 27 November.