

School Placing Requests - What you Can do if Your Choice of School is Refused

Placing Request Appeal Toolkit (Mainstream Schools) published by Govan Law Centre 2014
A parent or carer has the right to make a placing request to send their child to a particular school other than the one in whose catchment area they reside. The local education authority can refuse to accept a parent or carer's choice. If this happens, the parent or carer can take informal action by talking to the local education authority or formal action by appealing against the decision.

These resources may help inform pursuing either of these options:

Link to Citizens Advice Bureaux notes on Education choices for children 5 to 16 in Scotland

The 'Placing Request Appeal Toolkit' written by Iain Nisbet and Sarah-Jane Kissock - Education Law Solicitors at Govan Law Centre is also a useful resource

Click on this link to read the appeal toolkit or print out a copy - 12 pages.