Today, Friday 28 November 2014 is Carers’ Rights Day, a time dedicated to making sure that carers are aware of their rights and where they can find help and support, raising awareness of the challenges that carers face both in terms of balancing their time and navigating their way to the financial and practical support that they are entitled to. According to Carers UK, almost 47% of carers are greatly worried about money.
I appreciate the sacrifice that many carers make in, often, giving up work to care while simultaneously being faced with the additional costs of caring, and I hope that all carers, including the reported 660,000 carers in Scotland, have access to the support that they need and understand their rights as carers.
This is Scottish Labour's Carers pledge as written by Carers:
Accountable, Transparent and Responsive support and services for Carers
- Giving the Care Inspectorate responsibility over inspecting Carers services
- Require Local Authorities to do yearly reports on Carer’s support and services, including speaking directly to Carers: this report must be publicly available.
Commit to ensuring Young Carers get the support they need and deserve.
- Fully commit to Scottish Youth Parliament Care. Fair. Share Campaign;
- Changing EMA Guidance so young Carers are guaranteed not to lose EMA due attendance issues
- Extending SAAS dependency grants so Carers get an extra £2640 per year when in High Education
- Extending Young Scot concessionary travel to Young Adult carers until 25
- Investigate what other measures can be introduced to help Young Carers access to education