On Tuesday Education Scotland published the report on the inspection of Grove Academy by Her Majesty's Inspectors earlier in the year.
In a very positive report they conclude that, 'this inspection found the following key strengths.
- Progress made by the headteacher and senior management team in unlocking the school’s potential for growth.
- The commitment of staff and partners to providing the range of opportunities for young people to learn and achieve.
- Attainment at S5/S6.
- Responsible, courteous and confident young people.'
HMIE also discussed with staff and the education authority how they might continue to improve the school. 'This is what we agreed with them:
- Ensure the wider support team works together better to provide a high quality support service for all young people.
- Continue to develop all young people as independent learners.
- Continue to use rigorous self-evaluation to create more consistency in approaches to learning across the school.'
I wish to congratulate the Head Teacher his staff and the pupils for such a positive report. They have clearly earned the confidence of HMIE that the school can be confidently left to make progress on the issues identified in the inspectors' report.
Read/download the full inspection report.
Read/download the full inspection report.