

Report to Broughty Ferry Community Council March 2013 Meeting

On Tuesday night 5 March, I attended the monthly meeting of Broughty Ferry Community Council. 

Here some extracts from my report to the Community Council:

Parking Issues Beach Crescent
Constituents had complained to me about the lack of access to parking in Beach Crescent for residents and visitors. They were also concerned about the parking of commercial vehicles, mainly vans, which they thought had outstayed their welcome. The Transport Directorate of the Council had responded promptly and had agreed to direct one of the parking attendants to check out cars and vans parked for lengthy periods along Beach Crescent. They had also informed me that in the coming months they will be reviewing the Parking Restrictions around Broughty Ferry including consideration of introducing limited waiting parking restrictions for Beach Crescent to encourage day time turnover of spaces which would assist the local businesses, whilst leaving parking overnight for residents' use. Any recommendations about additional parking restrictions will be subject to consultation.

Pilot Pier  
A resident had previously complained to me that the chain link barrier at the Pilot Pier had been left unlocked and opportunistically cars and vans had been parking there. I initially approached the Environment Department. They helpfully redirected my enquiry to Economic Development who are responsible for securing the pier. The chain and padlock has been replaced and the pier re-secured. 

Review of Bus Shelters
The City Council is in the process of reviewing the position of the bus shelters following significant bus route changes over the last two years. If members of the Community Council or the public want to nominate any locations where they think a bus shelter would be needed, they should contact me.

Out of School Clubs Opening Hours Affected by Walk to Rule
A reduction in the casual car user rate for staff travel was introduced in the recent Budget 2013/14. Consequently, some staff have decided to not make their private car available at work. As a result they are walking or using public transport between work locations. At the end of last week, in some parts of the Ferry it was reported that Facilities Staff  for Primary Schools, (Janitors) who now look after a cluster of primary schools made their point by walking between schools. This meant that the Forthill Out of School Club opened half an hour later than usual causing inconvenience to parents and carers, pupils and staff. I hope the SNP led Administration of the Council will sort out the mess they have caused by unilaterally reducing the hitherto nationally agreed rates for casual car mileage.

Broughty Ferry Community Council meets on the first Tuesday of every month (excluding August) in the Community Library, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry Dundee DD5 2HN. Community Council meetings begin at 7pm and are open to the public.