

Consultation Meeting on New Bins in Barnhill

Last night North Barnhill Tenants' and Residents' Association hosted a consultation meeting about the introduction of changes to bin collections in their area.

The meeting, held at Barnhill Primary School, was well attended by residents who wanted to find out more about which new recycling collections were to be introduced in week beginning 23rd March. Additionally, they wanted clarification about which new recycling bins might be available for their homes or communal areas for flatted accommodation.

The meeting was addressed by a member of staff from the Environment Department. While most questions were clearly answered, it was evident that not all residents were convinced that they could cope with the storeage of the extra household bins. 

There are also remaining uncertainties about how the detailed arrangements can be sorted out over the next two weeks before the extra recycling bins are distributed on our streets.

In addition to Abercromby Street, Aberlour Place and Abernethy Road, most of Broughty Ferry is also in phase one of the new recycling collections. But houses west of Church Street, Forthill Road, Balgillo Road East and Linlathen Drive are excluded from the first phase rollout. Ferry folk, not in the first phase may be relieved that they are not going to be the guinea pigs.

More details of the changes which are to be introduced, are available at:


Progress Resurfacing Road Junction on Main Street

Earlier today good progress seemed to have been made in resurfacing this badly rutted cross roads. 

The contractors arranged for the junction of Claypotts Road, Brook Street, Westfield Road and Dundee Road to be closed for five working days. 

Judging by the work already completed, it seems likely that the road will be open again by the weekend.