In the local government elections on 4 May 2017, I stood down from Dundee City Council, after two consecutive terms as a Councillor for The Ferry ward.
It has been a privilege to serve for ten years as a city Councillor representing the wide range of issues that constituents have brought forward for resolution.
Thank you for putting your trust in me and supporting me with your votes at the elections in May 2007 and May 2012.
If you need to contact a Ferry Councillor from 5 May 2017, please follow this link to the City Council website or ring 01382 434000
Push the Boat Out 2017 at Royal Tay Yacht Club Saturday 13th May 1-4pm
Come along and join us to Sail or Row
Taster sessions are available once you register on the day for Sailing and Rowing. We will be happy to show you around our fantastic facilities too. Refreshments will be available from the beach café at very reasonable prices. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 13th May.
Saturday 13th May – Grassy Beach, Broughty Ferry 1pm – 4pm
email –
call – 01382 477516
Dundee Screening at DCA of New Film on the Lifelong Impacts of Child Trauma Saturday 3rd June 2017

"I am co-hosting (along with the organisations NHS Health Scotland and ReAttachment) a Dundee screening of a new documentary film - 'Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope'.
The film has won awards for its ability to explain the insights of scientific discoveries over the past 20 years about the lifelong impact of child trauma on adult mental and physical health.
Dundee has one of the highest rates of school exclusion, and poor health outcomes in the country. This film helps us to better understand why that is – and more importantly, what we can do about it."
Saturday, 3rd June: 11.00 – 13.00 Cinema @ Dundee Contemporary Arts
£7.50 - Includes film screening and Discussion Panel
Booking early is recommended.
Links to the trailer and a clip from the film.
Broughty Ferry Post Office Has Re-opened
Positive news! Our Broughty Ferry Post Office has reopened. It's back where it was before in the former NISA store at the corner of Gray Street and Queen Street. It closed without warning to the staff and the public nearly three months ago on Wednesday 25 January when the NISA stores in the Perth Road and in The Ferry went into administration.
The Post Office is now operating on a temporary basis where it was before at the back of the otherwise empty NISA shop until new more permanent premises can be found. It's operating six days a week on the same Post Office operating hours as before Monday - Friday and Saturday mornings.
The Post Office is now operating on a temporary basis where it was before at the back of the otherwise empty NISA shop until new more permanent premises can be found. It's operating six days a week on the same Post Office operating hours as before Monday - Friday and Saturday mornings.
I am sure the many customers that previously relied on this Post Office will be relieved to know that their local Post Office is up and running again.
I will be writing again to the Post Office management to emphasise that while they evaluate options for the future, particular consideration should be given to selecting a better more central location in The Ferry and and a more suitable linked business such as stationery rather than a grocery store.
Temporary Closure of Panmure Street
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in Panmure Street from the north side of its junction with Monifieth Road to the south side of its junction with Camphill Road.Pedestrian access and vehicular access to premises will be maintained where possible.
An alternative route will be available via Monifieth Road, Reres Road, Bughties Road and reverse.
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this proposal to Andy Scrimgeour, Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee DD1 1LS, no later than five working days prior to the commencement date. If you have any queries please contact Mr Scrimgeour on 01382 433168.
Poverty and Obesity - Breaking the Link: Workers' Memorial Day Lecture Friday 28 April 2017
International Workers Memorial Day is the day throughout the world on which all those killed, injured or made ill through work are remembered.
As one of the major events in Scotland, Dundee City Council and Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland organise a free lecture in Dundee. This year we are pleased to have Dr Drew Walker, Director of Public Health for NHS Tayside giving a lecture on the topic of ‘Poverty and Obesity-Breaking the Link’.
The lecture will take place in the Steeple Church, Nethergate, Dundee on Friday 28 April 2017 and will start at 12.30 pm followed by a free finger buffet lunch. Please enter by the west door at the tower.
To reserve your place please complete and return the booking form on the back of the flyer or fax (01382) 431557 or email
Broughty Ferry Post Office Reopening
On Tuesday, Post Office Limited in Glasgow advised me that after a great deal of work their field team have managed to secure a temporary short term arrangement that will allow them to restore a Post Office service in central Broughty Ferry in the recently closed former NISA premises. The opening is imminent with the possibility that a service can be resumed within the next couple of days.
This is positive news for residents and local businesses inconvenienced by the sudden closure of our local Post Office at the corner of Gray Street and Queen Street. I hope the staff who lost their jobs back in January will have the opportunity to be re-employed.
It is also positive to know that the Post Office field team continue to work with interested local retailers to seek a longer term solution and will do everything they can to progress this as soon as possible.
This is positive news for residents and local businesses inconvenienced by the sudden closure of our local Post Office at the corner of Gray Street and Queen Street. I hope the staff who lost their jobs back in January will have the opportunity to be re-employed.
It is also positive to know that the Post Office field team continue to work with interested local retailers to seek a longer term solution and will do everything they can to progress this as soon as possible.
Libraries in Scotland Busiest in UK - Broughty Ferry Library Busiest Branch in Dundee
The five-year study involved 1000 participants in Scotland. It discovered more than three-quarters (77%) of people said library facilities are important for their communities and 37% said they are important for them personally.
Almost three-quarters (71%) of families with children aged five to 11 visited libraries last year, up 3% on 2011.
In recent surveys of library users in Dundee, our library in Broughty Ferry consistently comes out as the busiest branch library in the city, second only to the Central Library in the Wellgate.
Cycle Counter to be installed in Broughty Ferry
A continental-style cycle counter is set to be installed in Broughty Ferry following approval by Dundee City Council.
The “high-visiblity” cycle counter will be installed at the east end of the Douglas Terrace walkway along the waterfront and will provide a visual counter of the number of cyclists using the route.
A network of counters, inspired by those in countries such as Denmark, is being established across Scotland by sustainable transport charity Sustrans and Transport Scotland with the co-operation of local authorities. They gather data about cyclists that is used to plan new routes.
At present, Dundee and Aberdeen are the only cities in the country not to have a cycle counter, with Aberdeen’s set to be installed in the next few months.
Claire Daly, spokeswoman for Sustrans, said the idea behind cycle counters was to promote sustainable transport such as walking and cycling instead of driving.
In general, cycle counters have been shown to be motivational for cyclists and provide data that assists planning for cycling infrastructure.
The “high-visiblity” cycle counter will be installed at the east end of the Douglas Terrace walkway along the waterfront and will provide a visual counter of the number of cyclists using the route.
A network of counters, inspired by those in countries such as Denmark, is being established across Scotland by sustainable transport charity Sustrans and Transport Scotland with the co-operation of local authorities. They gather data about cyclists that is used to plan new routes.
At present, Dundee and Aberdeen are the only cities in the country not to have a cycle counter, with Aberdeen’s set to be installed in the next few months.
Claire Daly, spokeswoman for Sustrans, said the idea behind cycle counters was to promote sustainable transport such as walking and cycling instead of driving.
In general, cycle counters have been shown to be motivational for cyclists and provide data that assists planning for cycling infrastructure.
Help to Protect Ground Nesting Birds at Riverside Nature Park Dundee
Visitors to one of the Dundee's best places to see internationally important birds are being asked to help protect ground nesting species.
Dundee City Council is calling on visitors to Take Pride in Riverside Nature Park by sticking to surfaced paths and making sure dogs are on the lead.
Council officers have been monitoring numbers of such birds since the park was opened six years ago and despite improvements to their habitat, there has been a decline in some species. Lapwings and skylarks in particular are known to be sensitive to disturbance, and don’t breed if people or dogs get too close to the nest site.
Working with the Friends of Riverside Nature Park, comparing work at other local nature sites and following guidance from Scottish Natural Heritage, Dundee City Council is asking all visitors to keep to surfaced paths and keep dogs on the lead throughout most of the park from April to July.
Riverside Nature Park was opened in 2011, created out of the city’s landfill. Habitats have been created including the largest wildflower meadows in Dundee and bird watchers have identified more than 130 species visiting the park and the adjacent estuary.
Find out more about the park at
Dundee City Council is calling on visitors to Take Pride in Riverside Nature Park by sticking to surfaced paths and making sure dogs are on the lead.
Council officers have been monitoring numbers of such birds since the park was opened six years ago and despite improvements to their habitat, there has been a decline in some species. Lapwings and skylarks in particular are known to be sensitive to disturbance, and don’t breed if people or dogs get too close to the nest site.
Working with the Friends of Riverside Nature Park, comparing work at other local nature sites and following guidance from Scottish Natural Heritage, Dundee City Council is asking all visitors to keep to surfaced paths and keep dogs on the lead throughout most of the park from April to July.
Riverside Nature Park was opened in 2011, created out of the city’s landfill. Habitats have been created including the largest wildflower meadows in Dundee and bird watchers have identified more than 130 species visiting the park and the adjacent estuary.
Find out more about the park at
Dundee Cycle Map 2017 Bigger and Better than Ever
Dundee City Council have recently launched the new look Dundee Cycle Map 2017. The map has been extensively updated to include new routes and to update locations of destinations.
The map is free and is available from all libraries and cycle shops across the city and has been funded through the Smarter Choices, Smarter Places fund from the Scottish Government.
The map features the Green Circular which circumnavigates the city, linking some of Dundee’s best green places, and Greenways routes which link other areas. The Green Circular was opened in 1995. Recent improvements include resurfacing at Riverside near the Nature Park and upgrading to tarmac surface at Trottick Ponds. The launch took place at a new Toucan Crossing at Whalers Lane in the Central Waterfront, part of efforts to connect the City to the Tay.
This is the largest Dundee Cycle Map ever, with more information, including a bigger City Centre insert, information on the locations of 20mph zones and suggestions for leisure rides to the north, south, east and west of the city.
Improvements to the map have prepared by the council’s City Development and Neighbourhood Services. Dundee Cycling Forum have provided significant information into routes they use, barriers and text suggestions.
The ancestor of the modern bicycle, the Velocipede is 200 years old in 2017. Isn’t it time you gave it a go!
The map is free and is available from all libraries and cycle shops across the city and has been funded through the Smarter Choices, Smarter Places fund from the Scottish Government.
The map features the Green Circular which circumnavigates the city, linking some of Dundee’s best green places, and Greenways routes which link other areas. The Green Circular was opened in 1995. Recent improvements include resurfacing at Riverside near the Nature Park and upgrading to tarmac surface at Trottick Ponds. The launch took place at a new Toucan Crossing at Whalers Lane in the Central Waterfront, part of efforts to connect the City to the Tay.
This is the largest Dundee Cycle Map ever, with more information, including a bigger City Centre insert, information on the locations of 20mph zones and suggestions for leisure rides to the north, south, east and west of the city.
Improvements to the map have prepared by the council’s City Development and Neighbourhood Services. Dundee Cycling Forum have provided significant information into routes they use, barriers and text suggestions.
The ancestor of the modern bicycle, the Velocipede is 200 years old in 2017. Isn’t it time you gave it a go!
Easter Fun Day in Camperdown Park Sunday 16 April 2017
Camperdown Country Park
Sunday 16 April 2017
Event: Free - Car Park: £3
12 noon to 4pm
Free Attractions
Wave 102 Road Show
Gleadhraich (local Celtic rock band)
Street Dance from Showcase the Street
Billy Mitchell (Dundee Guitarist / Singer / Songwriter)
Easter Bonnet Competition
Fishing Rod Challenge
Cluck like a Chicken
Easter Egg Eating Competition
Easter Egg Hunt in the Park
Easter Bunny in Costume
Fun on the stage and in the park
Chargeable Attractions
Full funfair
Hot food stalls
Hot beverages
Camperdown Park,
Local Elections 4 May 2017 - Register to Vote no later than Monday 17 April 2017.
If you are not registered to vote, you must register by no later than Monday 17 April 2017 if you want to vote in the City Council local elections on Thursday 4 May 2017.
The way you register to vote has changed. The new system is called Individual Electoral Registration.
You can now register to vote online.
Register to Vote
You are now responsible for registering yourself to vote.
You will need to provide more details to register, which will make the electoral register more secure. You will need your date of birth and your national insurance number to hand.
More details on Postal or Proxy Voting
If you are not registered to vote, you must register by no later than Monday 17 April 2017 if you want to vote in the City Council local elections on Thursday 4 May 2017.
The way you register to vote has changed. The new system is called Individual Electoral Registration.
You can now register to vote online.
Register to Vote
You are now responsible for registering yourself to vote.
You will need to provide more details to register, which will make the electoral register more secure. You will need your date of birth and your national insurance number to hand.
More details on Postal or Proxy Voting
Change of Polling Places in Broughty Ferry for Elections in May 2017
Voters in the forthcoming Dundee City Council elections are being urged to check their poll cards carefully as some polling places have changed.
Poll cards for the local authority election have recently been delivered through letter boxes in the city and these direct people to the right polling place for their address.
Voters in parts of The Ferry, will have a different place to vote on May 4 2017 than in recent elections.
In The Ferry, anyone who previously used the Broughty Ferry Baptist Centre in Panmurefield will now cast their vote at Grange Primary School in Grange Road.
This move is not permanent and when the current refurbishment of the Baptist Centre is complete it will again be used as a polling place.
Poll cards for the local authority election have recently been delivered through letter boxes in the city and these direct people to the right polling place for their address.
Voters in parts of The Ferry, will have a different place to vote on May 4 2017 than in recent elections.
In The Ferry, anyone who previously used the Broughty Ferry Baptist Centre in Panmurefield will now cast their vote at Grange Primary School in Grange Road.
This move is not permanent and when the current refurbishment of the Baptist Centre is complete it will again be used as a polling place.
Grove Academy Awarded Prize as Most Creative School by SQA and VandA Dundee
The five shortlisted pupils for a major national design challenge run by Jaguar, the Scottish Qualifications Authority and VandA Museum of Design Dundee were announced earlier this month and amongst them was Grove Academy senior pupil Ruben Hann (teacher - Mairi Harper).
Pupils studying the Scottish Qualifications Authority’s Higher Design and Manufacture course this school year were challenged to design a time capsule to celebrate the construction of VandA Dundee.
The five shortlisted pupils were:
Luisa Geddes, The Community School of Auchterarder (teacher - Will Rich)
Ruben Hann, Grove Academy, Dundee (teacher - Mairi Harper)
Phoebe Simpson, Woodmill High School, Fife (teacher - Kirsty McDermid)
William Chan, Liberton High School, Edinburgh (teacher - Jim Henneghan)
Ruaridh Smith, St Columba's High School, Gourock (teacher - Greg Starling)
While Ruben was just pipped for the top award, Grove Academy was awarded the prize of Most Creative School.
The finished time capsule will be installed at the new VandA Dundee museum ahead of its opening in 2018. It will be filled with items created by Scottish primary school pupils, and opened in 50 years.
Senior school pupils across the country were able to get involved, as the design challenge for the capsule itself formed an accredited module that counts towards the students’ Design and Manufacture Higher qualification.
VandA Dundee worked in partnership with SQA, with the design challenge forming an accredited module that counts towards the students’ Design and Manufacture Higher qualification.
The Scottish pupils studying the Higher Design and Manufacture course received a design brief for the time capsule last year, with all of their work for the competition counting as credit towards their Higher qualification.
The brief specified the design and engineering requirements for the time capsule, including being weatherproof for 50 years, guaranteeing consistent environment conditions for the objects placed inside the capsule, occupying a space of no more than 1.5 cubic metres, and being a creative design inspired by Jaguar and the VandA Dundee building.
Pupils studying the Scottish Qualifications Authority’s Higher Design and Manufacture course this school year were challenged to design a time capsule to celebrate the construction of VandA Dundee.
The five shortlisted pupils were:
Luisa Geddes, The Community School of Auchterarder (teacher - Will Rich)
Ruben Hann, Grove Academy, Dundee (teacher - Mairi Harper)
Phoebe Simpson, Woodmill High School, Fife (teacher - Kirsty McDermid)
William Chan, Liberton High School, Edinburgh (teacher - Jim Henneghan)
Ruaridh Smith, St Columba's High School, Gourock (teacher - Greg Starling)
While Ruben was just pipped for the top award, Grove Academy was awarded the prize of Most Creative School.
The finished time capsule will be installed at the new VandA Dundee museum ahead of its opening in 2018. It will be filled with items created by Scottish primary school pupils, and opened in 50 years.
Senior school pupils across the country were able to get involved, as the design challenge for the capsule itself formed an accredited module that counts towards the students’ Design and Manufacture Higher qualification.
VandA Dundee worked in partnership with SQA, with the design challenge forming an accredited module that counts towards the students’ Design and Manufacture Higher qualification.
The Scottish pupils studying the Higher Design and Manufacture course received a design brief for the time capsule last year, with all of their work for the competition counting as credit towards their Higher qualification.
The brief specified the design and engineering requirements for the time capsule, including being weatherproof for 50 years, guaranteeing consistent environment conditions for the objects placed inside the capsule, occupying a space of no more than 1.5 cubic metres, and being a creative design inspired by Jaguar and the VandA Dundee building.
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